Nuestra plataforma de promoción es apolítica, inspirada en nuestra humanidad compartida y el deseo de ver Chattanooga crecer y prosperar como ciudad. Nos asociamos con organizaciones que trabajan para mejorar la vida de todos los residentes, aunque tenemos un enfoque en nuestros vecinos latinos. Lideramos iniciativas para eliminar obstáculos, crear oportunidades y colaborar para mejorar el bienestar de las personas que tradicionalmente han sido ignoradas.
Creemos que cada residente - independientemente de su estatus migratorio - puede participar en el proceso cívico.

Educación Política y Eliminación de Barreras Sistémicas
Colaboramos con socios como TIRRC para proporcionar educación política.
Identificamos y enfrentamos las barreras sistémicas que dificultan la participación cívica de los inmigrantes y refugiados.
Inscripción y Educación Electoral
Trabajamos con socios para inscribir a los miembros de la comunidad en el censo electoral.
Llevamos a cabo programas educativos para informar a la población local sobre el panorama político a nivel local, estatal y nacional.
Toma de Decisiones Inclusivas
Participamos activamente en las iniciativas de la ciudad, el condado y las agencias para garantizar que la voz latina esté representada.
Nos comprometemos estratégicamente con los responsables de la toma de decisiones para abogar por políticas que aborden las necesidades de la comunidad latina.
The surge in Latino residents across the county has seen an 80.6% spike from 2010-2020. As the Latino population continues to grow it is critical that we, as a community, are aware of the needs and opportunities facing this growing demographic. It is imperative we build the capacity to strategically provide services that are accessible for all.

Demographic Awareness
Acknowledge the significant growth in the Latino population.
Understand the changing demographics in schools and other community institutions.
Capacity Building
Strive for inclusivity by building the capacity to provide services that are accessible to all, considering the needs of the growing Latino population.
Use the results of the Tu Voz Latino Community Needs Assessment to inform future initiatives.


Our center serves as a hub for the community, strategically located to enhance accessibility for all residents.
It is the focal point for classes, workshops, and various community engagement activities, providing a reliable and welcoming space for communal activities.

Junior Loa, Owner
Carnicerías Loa #6, 7, 9
“I believe that the work they do for the city is of the utmost importance because it’s a support and another pillar that is part of the network for us here in Chattanooga. We all have an important role to play, the government, community members, business owners and an organization like La Paz, assembles perfectly with every need a Latino entrepreneur has in Chattanooga.”

Jorge Parra, Owner
Taquería Jalisco
“La Paz Chattanooga’s name carries weight as a connector and endorser. They have the trust of the Latino community and as a business owner, it was important for us to have their endorsement to grow our business. They are consistently supporting the Latino entrepreneur through workshops, panels, networking events, referrals and may other ways. As a Latino business owner, it is invigorating to see an organization whose interest align well with the Latino business community and entrepreneurs.”

Erwin Ovalle, Owner
MCS, Ovalle's Catering
“My experience with La Paz Chattanooga has been
unforgettable and I have seen my business referrals grow substantially
since becoming engaged and involved with them. I was humbled when I was recognized as an honoree in 2016 at the Latino Leadership Awards ceremony and received the Chattanooga’s Choice Award.”